What time is Pick up and Drop off?
Pioneers, Trailblazers, and Skyriders will all have dropoff at 1:00 pm Monday afternoon in Honey Coulee. Pick up will be Saturday afternoon at 12:00 pm.
Pioneers 1 MVR (July 1-6), Scouts 1 (July 8-13), Scouts 2 (July 22-27) Drop off at 1:00 pm Monday at Mountain Valley Ranch. Pick up will be Saturday afternoon at 12:00 pm.
Rangers Drop off will be at 1:00 PM at Mountain Valley Ranch on the first day of your camp. Pick up will be at 4:00 on the last day of your camp.
Family Camp will start Monday Afternoon and end Saturday Morning.
Wilderness Adventure Bible School Students please contact the Director for specific details about start date and end dates.
What makes your camp the right choice for my child?
Wilderness Ranch is a great camping opportunity for any child. If your child likes being outside, likes adventure, playing games, and making new friends this camp is the right place for your child. Wilderness Ranch is different in that we have a very high staff to camper ratio. This allows our campers to be heard and included in the group. Wilderness Ranch is a horse camp, horseback riding is the prominent activity each day. If your child is extremely allergic to horses or doesn't like riding horses Wilderness Ranch might not be the best choice.
Is there a limit to how much my kid can bring with them?
Where is Wilderness Ranch?
Wilderness Ranch runs our program out of two different locations: Mountain Valley Ranch and Wilderness Ranch. Wilderness Ranch is in a remote location with limit vehicle access so Camper hike in and out of the Ranch. Campers meet in Honey Coulee below are links to Mountain Valley Ranch, Wilderness Ranch, and Honey Coulee.
My Child doesn't go to church at home, can they still go to your camp?
Wilderness Ranch is a Christian camp and Christian teachings are a part of our program. With this being said we are welcoming to all people from all backgrounds and design our program so that no person ever feels excluded no matter what their background is.